How to build a "Rainy day" app

How to build a "Rainy day" app

Introducing Savam, a mobile app for all your savings needs. It is available as an Android app and its features include:


To start a money-making venture, there is always a need to have capital. The app is targeted at young adults and teens. It is to help them foster a saving culture and achieve their dreams no matter how big or small.

Problem addressed

The app addresses poor saving culture and bad spending habits. It gives the "rainy day" talk an actionable meaning. It also incorporates a financial news feed to get up to speed on the tips and tricks to maximize your capital.

Build Process

Savam was built with react-native using Expo as the development framework, it features a minimal design and subtle animations to make the user experience pleasant. Some other technologies used include:

AuthN for authentication and authorization

AuthN was used for authentication, the API was used to allow first-time users to log in by email or through social channels.

You can find the repo here

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